Tuesday, August 26, 2008

do does did.

I thought I was dreaming,
road a huffy,
ate two chocolate chip cookies and drank a pepsi,
didn't have the right words to say,
judged her because of her clothes,
ate a chicken sandwich,
told him I was sorry,
wished it was Quantum Leap,
thought about her,
wondered where the seal went,
choked on my own words,
called my mom for advice,
didn't have the right key,
decided to make a decision,
smelled cigarette's,
shot the neighbors trash can,
rode with no hands,
wondered who was home,
saw a foreign creature,
told him I was sorry,
almost bought a mobile home,
and listened to his dreams.

Monday, August 25, 2008

He said I am his friend.

If I don't return within reasonable time, tell my mother that I love her.

and if I remind you of some sort of creature that returns to its vomit, I guess you should let me eat it. 

Or am I like an ant who knows he's walking towards a repetitive stomp. I am just like him.
But if I do return, it wouldn't be on my own account. In this case I would only have been saved from myself.